At what point do you look for a cofounder?

I was wondering at what point do you look for a cofounder given that starting companies with others when we have nothing done has historically given me problems

Over the past 20 years as a maker, I have had 4 co-founders. Finding a co-founder is like finding a spouse. You should 'date' first. Patience is important.

  1. Network: Talk to as many people about your project. See if there might be a match. See who really gets excited.
  2. Narrow your candidates: They don't' have to know you are looking for a co-founder yet. Over a period of time, meet with a few people
  3. Do 1:1's: Find the right hook to bring one to two people closer to your project - mentor/advisor, project-based work. Test them out. See if you are compatible. Get a feel for their work.
  4. Make the ask: Float the idea out to someone you think would be a match. "I'm looking for a co-founder. Is this something you might consider? "
  5. Nurture the relationship: It's important to grow the relationship. You will be spending so much time with this person. Take the time to really get to know them.

Hope that helps.